As the demos for OC GCP Meetup get better and more interactive, I thought it was time to have a single domain that can be used to access them and to host future demos. This post, and the others that follow, will show how to migrate or setup a new domain to use GCP services exclusively.
First step in the process is to transfer DNS responsibilities to Cloud DNS ; I’ll be using domain in these examples, but nothing here is unique to our meetup. Since it’s 2017, DNSSEC will be enabled to offer as much protection to our domain as possible.
1. Create a zone in Cloud DNS for the domain
The first step is to create a new zone for the domain and to enable
DNSSEC. This can be achieved simply by using gcloud beta dns
to create the zone and turn on DNSSEC.
$ gcloud beta dns managed-zones create ocgcp-root \ \
--dnssec-state on \
--description="Root zone for with DNSSEC enabled"
Created [].
2. Add record sets to the zone
Cloud DNS will process changes to record sets within a transaction, resulting in an all or nothing change to the zone.
2.1 Start the transaction
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction start \
Transaction started [transaction.yaml].
2.2 Add Google Webmaster domain verification record
I add a CNAME record to make sure that Google’s tools can verify that the domain is owned by me. Usually this is a TXT record to avoid polluting sub-domains, but since I use a TXT record for SPF (way more important than this entry) I have to use CNAME option for verification.
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \
--ttl=3600 \
--type=CNAME \
--zone=ocgcp-root \
Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].
2.3 Add email records
I use an alias domain for, so MX records for gmail and a simple SPF rule are needed. Note that all MX servers are added in a single MX entry; spaces will be used as record markers, so the space between priority and server must be escaped so that it is not interpreted as a record demarcation.
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \ \
--ttl=3600 \
--type=MX \
--zone=ocgcp-root \
Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \ \
--ttl=3600 \
--type=TXT \
--zone=ocgcp-root \
"\"v=spf1 ~all\""
Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].
Finally, add the DKIM record; note that the value has to be broken into pieces of 255 bytes or less surrounded by embedded double-quotes.
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \ \
--ttl=3600 \
--type=TXT \
--zone=ocgcp-root \ \
"\"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAi00VSESgcIZhr7nnDqCZ4nZqe4CEM/lqqzKmkoWrzYeTPU7cmzqZ/THD44V6+ftNZexplaDaQN1K+qywWXaocyjaefDUv9BPZzPZ7yPz+udDGa0Q7xT0AcTJApJwjaUJ5Hg/\" \"Gju26lV96IZv/QzHAVbgleE5gO89stM/TFpgjFquXObLFgZZDT/nG++sYTL3K10rcloOBvjTncI50mgV0Wd1+5CVeRyAUZUS7LodgSqYUZswJwFidRz/0AYjTd62+kvvHwKerRU7CNlbr5SI23l5//OG+9cBy7LFCGZkRcyvK/oxL7LBb2be4HckJL6uYDzByGzVbfjLY+xyXwfHVwIDAQAB\""
Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].
2.4 Add CNAME for hosting from GCS
We have a simple website ready to roll, and since it’s fully static it can be served from Google Cloud Storage bucket. Unfortunately, GCS doesn’t permit hosting the root domain from a bucket, but we can start with a www sub-domain.
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \
--ttl=3600 \
--type=CNAME \
--zone=ocgcp-root \
Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].
2.5 Commit the transaction
Executing (committing) the transaction will apply all the record set changes in one operation.
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute --zone=ocgcp-root
Executed transaction [transaction.yaml] for managed-zone [ocgcp-root].
Created [].
2 2017-11-10T20:17:32.438Z pending
Assuming there are no errors, the additional record sets added above will be present.
3. Host the static website on GCS
In a later post, I’ll walk through making a dynamic site with content from Container or App Engine, but for now a simple static site will demonstrate that the domain is up and running.
Note: The biggest issue with this approach in 2017 is that the content can only be served via HTTP; GCS will not serve the content as HTTPS. We’ll address that once the site is dynamically hosted.
3.1 Create a new bucket for the site
$ gsutil mb gs://
Creating gs://
$ gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://
Updated default ACL on gs://
3.2 Transfer the site files to the bucket
$ gsutil -m rsync -R ./ gs://
Building synchronization state...
Starting synchronization
Copying file://./css/vendor.css [Content-Type=text/css]...
Copying file://./css/base.css [Content-Type=text/css]...
Copying file://./favicon.png [Content-Type=image/png]...
Copying file://./css/main.css [Content-Type=text/css]...
Copying file://./js/modernizr.js [Content-Type=application/javascript]...
Copying file://./images/oc-gcp-meetup-background.jpg [Content-Type=image/jpeg]...
Copying file://./images/ocgcp-logo.png [Content-Type=image/png]...
Copying file://./js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js [Content-Type=application/javascript]...
Copying file://./index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Copying file://./js/plugins.js [Content-Type=application/javascript]...
Copying file://./js/main.js [Content-Type=application/javascript]...
| [12/12 files][ 8.7 MiB/ 8.7 MiB] 100% Done
Operation completed over 12 objects/8.7 MiB.
3.3 Use index.html
for all pages, including 404s
The example site only has a single HTML page, so let’s set that as the default to use for index and 404 pages.
$ gsutil web set -m index.html -e index.html gs://
Setting website configuration on gs://
4. Update Domain Registration settings
Follow the instructions provided by your domain registrar to update the name servers for the domain. The new name servers to use are:-
Configuring DNSSEC will require that your domain registrar supports adding the DNSSEC keys and configuration for your domain. Even though Cloud DNS will be providing all lookups, DNSSEC requires that the keys be registered at the original domain registrar.
4.1 Complete DNSSEC registration with original registrar
Assuming that your domain registrar does support DNSSEC, the next step is to find the DNSSEC key and configuration. You can get this from Network Services / Cloud DNS section of cloud console, or from the trusty command line.
First, list the keys associated with the newly created zone.
$ gcloud gcloud beta dns dnskeys list --zone=ocgcp-root
0 60071 keySigning True
1 36546 zoneSigning True
The keySiging entry is the one that is needed here; in the output it is the key with ID 0. Describing that key will provide the details needed for domain registrar.
$ gcloud beta dns dnskeys describe 0 --zone=ocgcp-root
algorithm: rsasha256
creationTime: '2017-11-10T18:02:06.346Z'
- digest: 3109B7DB8ABC274BDD259928F0C81118D386E299090E70C0F2BCAA22A3240E5F
type: sha256
dsRecord: 60071 8 2 3109B7DB8ABC274BDD259928F0C81118D386E299090E70C0F2BCAA22A3240E5F
id: '0'
isActive: true
keyLength: 2048
keyTag: 60071
kind: dns#dnsKey
publicKey: AwEAAYOdwvK//Y13cwUy7OYbDFC0XYRby96ZHZ+VxuRGj1S5EmkVbtCfB/KKDjVXlfqjXAYJJjxSi2r3hNE07mSmrrGGPRY8bJ3qOxFpjXnP+4aiuzoY4W1GHuLhI90/tlSf9lDjiAQ8c8nXNBNB0v57NO37d1du/1Mu80SzrcucuBHZORJDFMC/nnhL6bjUEEF1OQzSJ3qvtX+noKA4xfe9m60FJ1oYj1cH9sV7Mvj8BOhna272sEWQJXTPgsJWi61ASxxuDHiNHIJtx8hQU6jCBCXeAfJmg9+1hO7dUdOvtb+LLTmYS6gZP/EZ5cKgSh5HkDYCAqrsoiQxozuA+eiHAYk=
type: keySigning
Modify the DNSSEC records for your domain registrar, using the values for keyTag, algorithm, digest, and digest type.
Once complete, you can verify DNSSEC is working by using Verisign’s DNSSEC Analyzer ; it will analyse your DNS records and confirm that DNSSEC is setup completely.
The image below shows the output from the analyzer for
5. Verify the site is running
Finally, open in a browser to confirm the site is loading and that DNS is working correctly.